
About Our Trismus Clinic

Neeti Trismus Clinic is a dedicated unit within the hospital for treatment of trismus that is reduced mouth opening. Oral submucus fibrosis is a common problem in the region due to habit of tobacco and betel nut consumption. This over a period of time leads to inadequate mouth opening. It can be such a debilitating condition that patients find it difficult to even eat normal meals. We, at Neeti Clinics have been performing surgeries to overcome this problem for the past thirty years. We have published our original techniques in the book : “Surgical Atlas of Trismus Surgery” which is the only book on this topic on international platform.

At Neeti Clinics, 100 Surgeries are successfully conducted each year.

Surgical Team:

We have a dedicated team with experienced and highly trained surgeons specializing in this field to look after our patients. Anaesthesia for trismus swellings tends to be challenging but we have devised specialized techniques like video-assisted and blind nasal, awake and fibre-optic bronchoscope guided anaesthesia to make these surgeries safer for our patients.
Dr Madan Kapre
Dr Sudhanshu Kothe (Plastic and reconstructive surgeon)
Dr Neeti Kapre Gupta
Dr Vidula Kapre
Dr Meghana Navakhare
Dr Rajashree Chaudhari
Dr Sanjog Singh (Oral and Maxillo-facial Surgeon and Rehabilitation expert)
Dr Apeksha Hore

Following is a list of commonly performed surgeries at the hospital:

  1. Trismus Release with Cornoidectomy: This involves release of fibrotic bands in the oral cavity with LASER and release of contractures in the muscles with excision of the tip of coronoid process of mandible. This improves mouth opening by atleast 4-5cm.
  2. Palatal/ Mandibular muco-periosteal/ Platysma Flap: Our plastic surgery experts have mastered the skill of reconstruction for trismus defects with their unique innovations. These methods avoid any scar marks on the face for better cosmetic results without compromising on the improvement in mouth opening outcomes.

Specialty Services:

  1. After-care: Post-operative management is equally important to ensure success of trismus surgery. Our team of pain management specialists ensure that patients remain pain-free and are able to initiate their jaw stretching physiotherapy as soon as possible after surgery. Our dental team take great efforts in teaching patients this physiotherapy and encouraging them every step of the way.